It’s all about Thrill, High Speeds
and Top Level Risk
Where Legends Rise
Extreme Sports
History of Wrestling
Wrestling is one of the most diverse sports in the world with nearly 200 countries participating worldwide. Wrestling was presented during every modern Summer Olympics except in Paris 1900. Wrestling builds determination, zeal, perseverance, and Wrestlers are known for their hard work ethic.
Works of art from 3000bc depict belt wrestling in Babylonia and Egypt, and the Sumerian Gilgamesh epic has a description of wrestling in hand-to-hand combat, and as a sportive form of combat substituting the submission of a contestant for his death
Wrestling, which was always popular in ancient Greece, occupied a prominent place in the Olympic Games. It was developed by ancient Greeks as a way of training soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. After the Greeks were defeated, the Roman Empire borrowed from Greek wrestling, but eliminated much of the brutality.

Gauteng North Wrestling
Gauteng North Wrestling Association is affiliated with the South African Wrestling Federation (SASF). The SASF has been re-incorporated into organizations such as: SASCOC (SA Olympic Body), CALA (African Body) and UWW (United World Wrestling).
Wrestling provides opportunities and involvement for the whole family. Boys and girls participate in wrestling, while parents can get involved in aspects such as coaching, team management, administration, and refereeing.
There are currently ten wrestling clubs affiliated with Gauteng North Wrestling and the core of wrestling in the country is also located here. Each wrestling club has registered and trained coaches. Some of our country’s current best wrestlers come from Gauteng North.
Reasons to Choose
Wrestling offers a unique combination of physical fitness, mental toughness, and character development. It provides athletes with a platform to challenge themselves, grow both physically and mentally, and learn valuable life skills that can positively impact their lives beyond the sport.
- Physical Fitness
Mental Toughness and Character Development
Life Skills and Values
Why choose
extreme sports
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Helping increase mental focus
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Get different body muscles work
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Burn upto 500 Calories per hour
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Overcome fear and manage skills
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